Color rules

This page provides information on all color rules. Diagrams bellow shows the constraints imposed by specific color rule as appear on color wheel.


This rule (as its name implies) doesn't constraint colors at all. You can choose your colors freely.


Analogous rule
Analogous rule

This rule constraints all colors to have same angular distance to each other on color wheel.


Shades rule
Shades rule

This rule constraints all colors to one color hue and saturation.


Monochromatic rule
Monochromatic rule

This rule constraints all colors to one color hue.


Monochromatic rule
Monochromatic rule

This rule splits color schemes into two groups primary and its complement. In most cases primary color is warm and its complement is cold or vice versa.


Triangle rule
Triangle rule

This rule splits colors into three groups evenly distributed in hue.


Square rule
Square rule

This rule splits colors into four groups evenly distributed in hue.


Rectangle rule
Rectangle rule

This rule splits colors into four groups forming rectangle in color wheel.

Analogous complement

Analogous rule
Analogous rule

This rule splits colors into two group.